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Body options

Body wood - Bigleaf maple is standard

Western bigleaf maple is our standard body wood, unless otherwise noted on the options page for the model.

Volksgurdy with quilted Western bigleaf maple body and soundboard


Minstrel with quilted Western bigleaf maple body and soundboard


Renaissance model with flamed Western bigleaf maple body and soundboard


Alternate body woods

The body can be made from a variety of woods besides maple, including walnut, mahogany, and Spanish cedar.

Volksgurdy with mahogany body (a deeper body than usual)


Minstrel with mahogany body


Volksgurdy with walnut body


Minstrel model with Spanish cedar soundboard and body

For the prices on these options, see the pricelist. To return to the options of the instrument you were looking at, use the "Back" button in your web browser.




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Alden and Cali Hackmann
Olympic Musical Instruments

Beati illi qui in circulum circumeunt, fient enim magnae rotae.

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