Die Drehleier

by Marianne Bröcker

This part of the website is an English translation of the definitive hurdy-gurdy reference book Die Drehleier (The Hurdy-gurdy), written by Marianne Bröcker. For general information about this translation please see the Index Page.

This material is covered by copyright and may not be used without permission. Please see the Index Page for more information about distribution.

Aids to Navigation:

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We regret that at this time, the illustrations are unavailable, pending their being marked to identify them in case of unauthorized copying. Dr. Bröcker has been very kind to allow us distribute her work on the internet, and it is essential that her interests in the illustrations should be maintained against unauthorized use.

There are extensive graphic figures in the original work. Line drawings and other diagrams are included in the text. The other illustrations, photographs, music examples, and facsimiles of manuscripts are found in the pages below.

Illustrations are arranged into pages each containing ten scanned images from the original. The "Previous chapter" and "Next chapter" links at the tops of the pages lead to the previous and next sets of graphics.

Illustrations 1-10 Illustrations 111-120 Illustrations 221-230
Illustrations 11-20 Illustrations 121-130 Illustrations 231-240
Illustrations 21-30 Illustrations 131-140 Illustrations 241-250
Illustrations 31-40 Illustrations 141-150 Illustrations 251-260
Illustrations 41-50 Illustrations 151-160 Illustrations 261-270
Illustrations 51-60 Illustrations 161-170 Illustrations 271-280
Illustrations 61-70 Illustrations 171-180 Illustrations 281-290
Illustrations 71-80 Illustrations 181-190 Illustrations 291-300
Illustrations 81-90 Illustrations 191-200 Illustrations 301-310
Illustrations 91-100 Illustrations 201-210 Illustrations 311-320
Illustrations 101-110 Illustrations 211-220 Illustrations 321-331



Music examples 1-10 Music examples 21-30 Music examples 41-50
Music examples 11-20 Music examples 31-40 Music examples 51-60






Beati illi qui in circulum circumeunt, fient enim magnae rotae. Please contact us if you have comments or questions about this page or other pages on this site.

Alden and Cali Hackmann
Olympic Musical Instruments

© Original text in German copyright 1977, Verlag für systematische Musikwissenschaft GmbH
© Translation copyright 2005, Olympic Musical Instruments and the Bröcker Tranlation Group